Take the stairs for good health!

Employees can walk – and now climb – their way to good health through the BCM BeWell program.

The BCM BeWell program has focused on increasing employees’ physical activity and overall wellness since launching in 2014. One way in which program leaders have encouraged this is through challenges focused on increasing the number of steps per day. Now, employees can easily add stair-climbing to their daily routine with the introduction of the BeWell StairWell.

Two stairwells have been designated as a BeWell StairWell. They are located at main Baylor in the E hallway near the cafeteria. Clearly marked on the doors as the BeWell StairWell, the interiors also include motivational signage to encourage the healthy behavior.

The benefits of taking the stairs rather than an elevator are well known to physicians. Dr. Theodore Shybut, assistant professor of orthopedic surgery, said that taking the stairs daily instead of the elevator is an easy and convenient way to increase daily activity along with going on walks at lunch or taking evening walks with family. What’s more, taking the stairs can be part of an exercise routine that can boost your mood, according to Dr. Sanjay Mathew, professor in the Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences.

Learn more about the BCM BeWell program, and head to the BCM BeWell StairWell for a daily dose of physical activity!